The Application

The application questions and corresponding word counts are listed below.  Responses must be submitted via this link and will close at 11:59:59 PM EST on Friday, July 6, 2018, which is extended by one week from the original deadline of Friday, June 29, 2018. Please submit at least a few hours before the deadline to ensure your completed submission is received.

Submission Questions


  1. What’s a one-sentence “elevator pitch” to best describe your proposed solution?  (Word Max = 15)
  2. Please describe your programmatic solution to increase entry, persistence and completion of adults (age 26 and over) in career pathway programs, and specify your target student population. (Word Max = 150 words)


  1. Why is your programmatic solution different from existing approaches? (Word Max = 150 words)


  1. Who is on your team, what relevant skills/experience do they possess to assist the design and implementation stages, and what anticipated role(s) will they have on the team? (Word Max = 300 words)
  2. Please identify and provide contact information (name, phone number, email, and best way to reach them) for the team lead who, among other things, will be responsible for coordinating the team and facilitating communication between IEL, the team’s coach and other parties throughout the project.


  1. Why is your team committed to pursuing this solution, and what is its capacity over the three year project to develop and prepare to implement the proposed program? (Word Max = 250 words)


  1. Why do you think your proposed solution will improve access, completion and other outcomes over traditional programs? (Max Words = 500 words)
  2. How does your solution address the specific needs of your target student population as well as the broader needs of your community? (Max Words = 200 words)
  3. How do you anticipate recruiting your target student population and retaining them to ensure they complete? (Max Words = 200 words)
  4. What outcomes are you striving to achieve for your target student population, and what programmatic features are you initially contemplating to ensure that students achieve them? (Max Words = 350 words)
  5. What steps would you take to counsel students about education, training, career, and other supports available to them after completing the program? (Max Words = 200 words)
  6. What steps would you take to ensure the proposed solution is accessible to adults with disabilities? (Max Words = 200 words)
  7. How do you envision funding startup and ongoing expenses, and what steps would your team take to secure and raise this funding? (Max Words = 250 words)


  1. What would your team like to learn more about during Design Camp to further develop and prepare to implement your innovative programmatic solution? (Likert Scale: Not Interested/Somewhat Interested/Very Interested)
    1. How to determine high-demand, high-growth jobs in our community that pay family-sustaining wages
    2. How to form meaningful partnerships with employers, postsecondary institutions, funders, community groups, and other relevant entities
    3. How to ensure curriculum and equipment are current and aligned with skills required by employers and industry
    4. How to design stackable credentials and experiences for students
    5. How to secure and blend funding from local, state and federal sources as well as other entities such as foundations and private donors
    6. How to recruit and retain committed students through use of social media, paid work experiences and other forms of work-based learning, as well as critical wrap-around supports
    7. How to accurately collect and use data to drive decision-making, results, and communications to share wins with key stakeholders
    8. How to incorporate prior learning assessments, competency-based learning assessments, and micro-credentialing into program design
    9. How to use universal design principles to ensure students with disabilities can access and complete programs
    10. Other/fill in
    11. Other/fill in
    12. Other/fill in
  2. What Would Your Team be Most Excited to Do During Design Camp? (Likert Scale: Not Interested/Somewhat Interested/Very Interested)
    1. Dedicated time to work within my team to develop Solution
    2. Opportunity to hear from SME’s
    3. Opportunity to meet and share promising practices with teams from other communities around the country
    4. Opportunity to visit program sites that have successfully run adult career pathway programs
    5. Other/fill in
    6. Other/fill in
    7. Other/fill in
  3. What skill sets and expertise would your ideal coach have, and what is the best way that he/she could complement the expertise that is already represented on your team? (Word Max = 200)


  1. Upload a 30-45 second video using your smartphone to describe your innovative solution, why your team thinks it would result in greater entry, persistence and completion of adult students (26 and over) in career pathway programs, and why your team should be chosen.  Feel free to post on YouTube, twitter or other social media platforms.
  2. Please choose the option that best describes the stage of development for your innovative idea.
    1. Nascent – brand new, partnerships are in very early stage or yet to be formed, no or very little funding has been lined up, and no components of idea have been implemented
    2. Intermediate – new idea, partnership and little/some funding have been lined up, but no implementation has occurred
    3. Far along – new idea, partnerships and some/most funding have been lined up, and some implementation has started
    4. Early implementation – partnerships and most/all funding have been lined up, much of the implementation has occurred but no outcomes are available yet
  3. You may, but are not required to, use the space below to elaborate on your answer to question #18 above. 50 words = max.

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