Minds that Move Us Voting

Voting and Scoring Guidelines


Minds That Move Us
Voting and Scoring Guidelines

Winning teams will be chosen based on the strength of their solution in 3 categories:

 Capacity > Impact > Ingenuity  

Below we dive-in to each of these categories and the ideas behind them. Don’t worry, you don’t have to answer all those questions when you are voting. It’s just for context to prepare you for how to think about each category. Or you can enter a question to the team during the audience Q&A on your mobile phone!

#MTMU is using a mobile voting platform – www.mentimeter.com – to poll an in-person and virtual audience to score teams. Once teams are on stage and ready to pitch everyone will receive the code to log in to vote. Please vote for every team honestly. Voting will close for a particular team right after their Q&A.

Read on to find out how YOUR VOTE affects the final outcome!

Each team should receive a score, using a scale of 1-5:
◦ 5 = Highest Score
◦ 3 = Middle of the Road
◦ 1 = Lowest Score

A team’s final score will be determined by the votes from a panel of judges as well as an in-person and virtual audience! The scoring is weighted so that judges scores will count for 75% of the team’s total score and audience scores will count for 25%. The top 3 scoring teams get $100k to implement their idea!!!


Problem Definition: Does the team have a clear and deep understanding of the problem? Is there a clear pain-point their idea is addressing? Is the societal or market need clearly articulated? Do they understand the environment that surround the problem? 

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